Monday, January 28, 2013

CCE Teacher of the Year-Mr. Wheeler

Our school celebrated on Friday with Hollywood-Wheeler style. Faculty, staff, and students wore their very best Hollywood or paparazzi outfit. It was a grand celebration. iOtter made a video with a song from his favorite musical, Wicked. We sure hope he enjoyed our vision. Congratulations Mr. Wheeler!

Sunday, January 27, 2013


Sorry about the long wait.  You are never going to believe this but I misplaced the password to post on the blog.  I know crazy excuse but really it is the truth.  So let's catch up.  The kids in iOtter A and B are working on some group projects dealing with our school adopted lifeskills and videos to help students new to the school.

     Thanksgiving happened and we decided to let the groups get creative with only the theme of Thanksgiving.  Some sang songs, danced, created scenes, and talked about what makes Thanksgiving special to them.  We tried working with a green screen, ok green poster paper, until our green screen is delivered.  You can see the scenes cut off, sorry.  Of course our next effort will be even better.  Check out the Thanksgiving video.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

1st meeting...WOW!!!

This blog is about our journey to run a video club at our school in Port Orange, Florida.  Last year Ms. Phelan and Ms. Kaelin heard Brad Flickinger speak at FETC and the ideas started spinning.  They came back and were adamant  about starting a video club.  Well Mrs. Spies, Mrs. Fuller, Mrs. Whitehurst, Mrs. Stevenson and Mrs. Wright joined them and became the group of teachers willing to sponsor this after school club.  We thought we would open it up to 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders and 30, maybe 50 would want to give up two Fridays a month to learn how to make videos.  Our thought was to create videos demonstrating the school adopted Lifeskills, demonstrating Thinking Math strategies, maybe even some public service announcements.  The applications were out for 3 days and 135 came in to us.  Friday afternoon there was a line outside the Media Center all the way to parent pick up.  Needless to say we had no idea so many would want to be a part of this club.  We didn't want to deny anyone so we took them all.  Our solution split the group into group A and B and then meet with each group once a month.  We shared our expectations, rules, and vision.  Our meeting ended with them talking to one another and generating their own ideas for videos to create.  It was amazing!  Contracts were handed out and on Monday those that return the contracts will be handed a notice as to which group-A or B and the date of the next meeting.  Stay tuned for an update and our debut video...